Les articles les plus populaires sur Wikipédia en anglais simple en mai 2011

ver. 1.6
# Changements Titre Popularité
101 5Gold (color)
102 39Feijoa
103 6Pansexuality
104 1Cloud computing
105 10Malaria
106 3Mathematics
107 1Electricity
108 16Blood
109 38Metallic bond
110 51List of Internet top-level domains
111 751Special relativity
112 21Plant
113 5Buddhism
114 33Teenager
115 116Vietnam War
116 17Punctuation
117 9Computer
118 52Beetle
119 35General Certificate of Secondary Education
120 14William Shakespeare
121 39List of Renaissance artists
122 9Carbon steel
123 4Anatolia
124 21Computer network
125 24Insect
126 19Judaism
127 42Jessica Alba
128 95Succession to the British throne
129 51Cold War
130 47Malleability
131 20List of religions
132 49Encyclopedia
133 4Islam
134 6Google
135 9Evolution
136 15Leonardo da Vinci
137 20List of Disney characters
138 1London
139 4Stress (mechanics)
140 127Beaufort scale
141 32Pollution
142 26Aphelion
143 23Id, ego, and super-ego
144 12Asperger syndrome
145 65Noun
146 56Barack Obama
147 41Romeo and Juliet
148 52England
149 10Germany
150 22Movie
151 63Child
152 35Martin Luther King Jr.
153 17Continental United States
154 44Human
155 41Endorphins
156 57Wave (physics)
157 22Orange (fruit)
158 41Japan
159 59Soviet–Afghan War
160 1792Zodiac
161 63LD50
162 6896Bowling
163 46Gay
164 9Internet Explorer
165 41Breast
166 71Coprophilia
167 23Animal
168 259Gautama Buddha
169 159AIDS
170 14Earth
171 424-hour clock
172 20Computer hardware
173 63Big Ben
174 274Pirates of the Caribbean
175 100History of Australia
176 18Adjective
177 39Matter
178 11New York City
179 84Month
180 471Nuclear power
181 23Ten Commandments
182 3Church (disambiguation)
183 1Justin Bieber
184 42Orchestra
185 36Italy
186 74Seven deadly sins
187 3Plebiscite
188 36Switzerland
189 34Jupiter
190 28Electrical circuit
191 53Magenta
192 33Platypus
193 106William, Prince of Wales
194 168Pope John Paul II
195 47Spain
196 2818Anna Kournikova
197 28Automobile
198 49Carl Linnaeus
199 3American Civil War
200 52Jesus
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 > >>

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