Les articles les plus populaires sur Wikipédia en anglais simple en juin 2011

ver. 1.6
# Changements Titre Popularité
601 328Genocide
602 6870Lunar eclipse
603 238RAID
604 102Anthropology
605 110Red
606 240Software
607 8210
608 82YouTube
609 378Moons of Saturn
610 281Red Hot Chili Peppers
611 30List of United States cities by population
612 3Light
613 79Karl Marx
614 188Algorithm
615 308Fat
616 3Architecture
617 1996Positive number
618 740Mario Casas
619 49Crack cocaine
620 87Operating system
621 520The Lord of the Rings
622 148Brazil
623 79Democracy
624 311Sociology
625 141Pork
626 78Family
627 80Elephant
628 40Colorimeter
629 390Circumcision
630 58Racism
631 304Ludwig van Beethoven
632 104Ancient Greece
633 311Paris
634 48Laptop
635 149Genetic disorder
636 52John Cena
637 197Room temperature
638 1934Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
639 446The Castle (movie)
640 54German language
641 184Clothing in Ancient Greece
642 55Anubis
643 489List of prime numbers
644 701List of Stanley Cup champions
645 984Botanist
646 157Teletubbies
647 110Geisha
648 301NATO phonetic alphabet
649 159Existentialism
650 428Naturism
651 211Hooke's law
652 76Winston Churchill
653 358San Francisco Bay
654 29Aphrodite
655 154Prussia
656 213South Africa
657 1450Decimal
658 318Floppy disk
659 1123Nuclear and radiation accidents
660 203Biome
661 70The Big Bang Theory
662 363Parasitism
663 71Afghanistan
664 498Scrotum
665 64Sikhism
666 719Definition
667 140Great Wall of China
668 423Google Chrome
669 581Peripheral equipment
670 181Roman numerals
671 257Air
672 161Moon
673 72Heroin
674 118John F. Kennedy
675 156Anime
676 249Geometry
677 232Turquoise (color)
678 115Polish language
679 350Taj Mahal
680 117Politics
681 1515Mutant (Marvel Comics)
682 25List of earthquakes
683 146Order of magnitude
684 17Greece
685 187Academy Award for Best Picture
686 258Egypt
687 38Bipolar disorder
688 157Green Day
689 214Johnny Depp
690 282Uncertainty principle
691 154Democratic Party (United States)
692 323Chinese Civil War
693 489Programming language
694 201Stone (unit)
695 311Finland
696 137Article (grammar)
697 981Video card
698 209Wolf
699 44Tennis
700 245Anatomy
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

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