Les articles les plus populaires sur Wikipédia en anglais simple en juillet 2014

ver. 1.6
# Changements Titre Popularité
601 105Bürgermeister
602 42Operating system
603 242Fellatio
604 394Score
605 139Hard and soft drugs
606 179Spain
607 246Indus River
608 243Lesotho
609 86Neptune
610 296Computer graphics
611 125Sacred cow
612 25Grammar
613 113Voodoo
614 44Colour
615 989Independence
616 21Computer science
617 158Nurse
618 452Healthy lifestyle
619 174Programming language
620 46Periodic table
621 275Biological process
622 81Psyche (mythology)
623 26List of popes by length of reign
624 154Military
625 188Giant panda
626 293German language
627 11Horse
628 1068Jawaharlal Nehru
629 142Natural environment
630 124Picture
631 111Leet
632 23Mughal Empire
633 367FIFA World Cup
634 90List of English football teams
635 25Punjabi language
636 5Pitcher plant
637 925North Indian Plain
638 182East Germany
639 108Jupiter
640 140Bangladesh
641 203Antarctica
642 237Mole (unit)
643 707The Nutcracker
644 251Deccan Plateau
645 127List of Uranus' moons
646 224Virginity
647 144Polish language
648 191Supercomputer
649 135Seven deadly sins
650 55N-type semiconductor
651 685Shiva
652 94Foot (human)
653 163List of chess terms
654 141Cancer
655 38People's Republic of China
656 99Osiris
657 35Europe
658 72Turkey
659 91Id, ego, and super-ego
660 383Tokyo
661 121Water cycle
662 168The Dark Knight (movie)
663 58Universe
664 1Command economy
665 36Red blood cell
666 52Assembly language
667 25Navy blue
668 598Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
669 215Saprophyte
670 94Quantum entanglement
671 92History
672 126Isotope
673 701The Lord of the Rings (movie series)
674 368Japanese language
675 570Shraddha Kapoor
676 179Poland
677 119Catholic Church
678 181Legendary Pokémon
679 287Denmark
680 9Bas-relief
681 323Rain
682 76Address
683 14Organism
684 301Lily
685 2Sport
686 108Psychology
687 524Frigg
688 80Ra
689 267Circulatory system
690 121Great Wall of China
691 123Vulva
692 146Flesch Reading Ease
693 184Cardiac muscle
694 127Jaundice
695 59Aung San Suu Kyi
696 33Cotton
697 585Base (mathematics)
698 482Colombia
699 24Indirect democracy
700 39Biology
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

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