Les articles les plus populaires sur Wikipédia en minnan en novembre 2010

ver. 1.6
# Changements Titre Popularité
901 113 sè-kí
902 1576Baghdad
903 191Botnet
904 80Jîn-lūi-ha̍k
905 2763Kiaⁿ-to͘-hú
906 305La-jí-oh hòng-sàng
907 176MacOS
908 325Sîn-khiok
909 91Sex and the City
910 64811 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
911 23331 goe̍h 24 ji̍t
912 222211 goe̍h 19 ji̍t
913 59Hồ Chí Minh Chhī
914 191011 goe̍h 17 ji̍t
915 473 goe̍h 26 ji̍t
916 791946 nî
917 148Siau-hòa hē-thóng
918 239Ti
919 1041950 nî-tāi
920 595A
921 815Bián-hùi nńg-thé
922 34Franz Kafka
923 332George Washington
924 87La̍t
925 66Lance Armstrong
926 238Nano-ki-su̍t
927 224Pak-ke̍k-iûⁿ
928 271Polynesia
929 152Togo
930 335Zambia
931 225Platon
932 9610 goe̍h 18 ji̍t
933 4961916 nî
934 734Sè-pau-hu̍t
935 155Sai Au-chiu
936 564Siú-to͘ lia̍t-toaⁿ
937 185Hàn-cho̍k
938 178Kùi-cho̍k
939 11961930 nî-tāi
940 5Barbados
941 142Catalunya-gí
942 434Chhiah-tō Guinea
943 133Lesotho
944 133Mauritania
945 409Messier 22
946 14Miyazaki Hayao
947 6881Miyazaki-chhī
948 381SMAP
949 40Senegal
950 200Uruguay
951 130Kim-sio̍k
952 167911 goe̍h 8 ji̍t
953 141311 goe̍h 18 ji̍t
954 149711 goe̍h 28 ji̍t
955 3751915 nî
956 731957 nî
957 821Chū-jiân soán-te̍k
958 22110 goe̍h 26 ji̍t
959 130511 goe̍h 5 ji̍t
960 220Māori Gú
961 182Se-chōng
962 826Lô-tōng Tóng (Liân-ha̍p Ông-kok)
963 3121 sè-kí
964 779Dublin
966 112Paraguay
967 78611 goe̍h 23 ji̍t
968 11304 goe̍h 1 ji̍t
969 851Sîn-oē
970 30292009 nî L'Aquila tē-tāng
971 19672 goe̍h 15 ji̍t
972 58Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
973 185Okinawa-koān
974 170
975 2001971 nî
976 7893 goe̍h 15 ji̍t
977 270Iân
978 704Nobel Seng-lí-ha̍k I-ha̍k Chióng
979 1213FIFA Sè-kài Poe
980 223Sè-kài Ōe-seng Cho͘-chit
981 209Só͘-lô-bûn Kûn-tó
982 177Tiū
983 25Kok-chè Chū-jiân Pó-hō͘ Liân-ha̍p
984 110Lâm-im
985 45 goe̍h 8 ji̍t
986 423Alexander Graham Bell
987 287C (thêng-sek gí-giân)
988 410Curitiba
989 160Dubai
990 347Eng-liân-pang
991 3San Marino
992 611866 nî
993 11131868 nî
994 493 goe̍h 3 ji̍t
995 195Bāng-lō͘ Tiān-iáⁿ Chu-liāu-khò͘
996 18346 goe̍h 21 ji̍t
997 38Sai Sahara
998 220Wien
999 76Lān-pha
1000 66Thó͘-chheⁿ
<< < 701-800 | 801-900 | 901-1000

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